Tuesday, August 31, 2010


This is what lunch looks like when we need groceries!  I scoured the pantry and found a can of fruit cocktail and package of blueberry muffin mix...

Aaron has half of a club sandwich, leftover from my lunch out at the diner yesterday, along with cherry tomatoes, pretzels, fruit cocktail, and a blueberry muffin. 

For the girls, PB&J sandwiches cut as hearts, string cheese sliced up, cherry tomatoes, and some of the fruit cocktail.  I gave them each a muffin on the side as well.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

First Day of School Digi Scrap Pages

Friday, August 27, 2010

School Lunches!

Mia's first day of Kindergarten, Lili's third day of third grade!

Girls Lunches

Fig Newtons, Carrots, Ranch in the container, Raisins.
Pineapple, Bagel with jelly

Frozen Go-gurt on the side, not shown.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Aaron's Lunch

Aaron's Lunch

Chicken salad sandwich with cheese hearts on top, tomatoes, carrots, pasta salad.
(Not shown, but packed, a small container of ranch to dip and a couple cookies)



Mandarin oranges, Fig Newtons, PB&J cut like a butterfly with cheese cut outs and carrot stick center. (Not shown, but packed, a Go-gurt)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day of School Lunch for Lili


PB&J, cheese stick, mandarin oranges, carrots, ranch, pretzels, fig newtons

Monday, August 16, 2010

Digi scrap

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